Eye sight and insight

Some people use their sight to get an impression on someone negatively like for example; appearance. Accordingly, they tend to fall in the hole of bad judgement. But what really matters is how that same person behave and act. On the other hand, some people ignore what other persons look like. In fact, they depend mostly in judging people through their use of insight which is perceived by someone’s behaviors and actions. So, eye’s sight can be misleading in some cases. But insight will never deceive you because it follows a person’s heart and emotions.
That’s why in relationships, you cannot build tough bonds between you and a probable good loyal friend from the beginning. It’s easy to get to know someone and get along from the first time and then, couple of days later, that person becomes ignorant and careless about the relationship and full stop. So, sight versus insight. Which one you’ll choose to continue with a relationship with someone?