Mind reader

Some people who exist between us who possess great amount of intelligence in a way that they can read someone else’s mind and know what that person is about to say before saying it explicitly. Such ability accelerates the process of understanding the person in front of you. This saves time and effort for both sides including you, and the person you are talking to. Thus, it helps also in improving the skill of time management.
So, this process is like reading from PowerPoint slides where these slides represent the other person’s mind in front of you. Such people have good communication skills. Because they are emotionally intelligent. They know when to speak, when to stop talking, deal with conversational interruptions, what to say, how to say it, and why to say it. So, if you find someone who has skills and abilities similar to these, then, you are a lucky person because a person with these skills and abilities can make you feel more convenient and can change your life dramatically.