Technology neighborhood

The impact of the spreading of globalization is enormous these times of our lives. When you go to somewhere and turn your head to the right while you are walking, you’ll probably see a man’s head taken up by his smartphone with his head bent toward the phone and forgetting whatsoever around him.
Now, if you turn to your left, you might see another small kid holding the iPad and walks with her mother going to someplace and the mother is trying to deal with her kid to let the child stop a little bit to notice the surrounding environment.
I can summarize this trend with this term: “technological neighborhood”. This is the result of globalization where technology has unfortunately become our daily routine and the smart phones have become our most valuable devices that we could ever have to own.
Knowing that technology is a double-edged weapon, we can focus as a society on the good side of these technological trends and usage and avoid the bad side of them. This is not a matter of banning the usage of such technologies, but it’s a matter of replacing them with substitutes.
Face-to-face activities are the best substitutes to the virtual activities. For example, you can play a board game with your kids or start teaching them a new hobby. In doing so, you are shifting them from the endless exposure to new everyday developing tech devices and putting them back in reality.